Its a sell out!

Thank goodness Eddie and I popped in to the ticket booth yesterday. We were going to leave it until later today but when we got there, the lovely lady said there were only a few tickets left! She is expecting another sellout for the BIG game tonight between England and the Windies.

Armed with our golden tickets, we celebrated with a Piton beer at Grady's Bar. No sign of our groundsman - he would be stressing at the ground no doubt, as there had been some pretty heavy showers throughout the day.

We had to wait a little while for our second beer because the lady in the rollers had fallen asleep behind the counter. Imagine that happening at the Corbridge Co-op, but here its just fine. She was tired, needed a nap and we didn't want to wake her. In fact, Eddie tip-toed back to his seat.

The Ireland v New Zealand game was on and it was great to see 2 stalwarts of Irish cricket, Ciara Metcalfe and Clare Shillington playing their last ever game before being given a guard of honour off the pitch by the New Zealand girls. The spirit of cricket at its very best and a very emotional moment.

The Irish girls will not play another international game for 10 months. Presumably, after all the hype, the hard work, the sweat and tears, they will drift off back to their 'real' jobs and studies, training when they can. They leave with many new friends and supporters around the world as they have been a joy to watch.

Meanwhile, back to tonight's game. I hope the England girls are prepared for the atmosphere and noise. If you're not at the game - get yourself in front of a telly with Sky at 8pm (GMT) and tune in - it will be a cracker!


  1. Your last full day of cricket and what a game to finish on have a great night and a great party. Good luck England, but if you have to lose, you couldn’t lose to a nicer set of


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